Monday, February 27, 2012

The Orb of Silence (Part 1)

Part one of the Sonic Railings second adventure, "The Orb of Silence." The Sonic Railings take on nemesis James, but what would happen if James gets his hand on the Orb of Silence?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Presidents Day comic!

Well, fellow readers, I can't find the drawing I was going to put up, which means you don't get to see it! If I find it, I'll put it up later. Now, I know it's a holiday, so I'll give you guys some light reading....

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bad Word Finale!!!!

The exciting conclusion to the Bad Word King's first adventure! Check it out! Also, don't forget to head over to  and check out the ongoing tale of Ms. Cat Prentis herself! Page 12 is up, and there'll be a new page every Mon, Wed, and Fri! Oh, one last thing, feel free to follow me  on twitter. Yes, I do that now...  @TonyGazso

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cat Prentis, Bad Word King, and more!?!?

First off, before I post part 2 of the Bad Word King (cuz I know you're all dying to see what happens next) I need to take a minute to tell you all that my new WebComic is now online!!! That's right, I draw a new webcomic called "The Amazing Adventures of Cat Prentis" you should all stop what you're doing right now and go to  and check it out... Then come back here and read part 2 (of 3) of Bad Word King!