Friday, December 30, 2011

Welcome One And All!

Greetings! This will likely be one of very few text-only posts. As you may have seen in the "About Me" area, This is intended to be my comic blog. Why a comic blog? Well, I've tried an actual website, but the only way I know how to do a website is long and very tedious, and updating frequently (or at all)  wasn't very appealing to me because of the amount of time it would take me. I also no longer have the software I used to have to make it possible. I haven't done a lot of (new) comics in a while, but am finally back on the horse. I figured this would be a good way to update and add comics easily, and certainly more frequently. Not sure how frequently yet, at least once a week. Even if that comic is just a one-panel laugh-riot. Also, I am currently drawing a web-comic which hasn't gone "live" yet called "The Amazing Adventures of Cat Prentis." It's really pretty fun, and a departure from my personal style. It's more of an action filled adventure, compared to my hilarious hijinks. I may even post an occasional sneak peek at "Cat Prentis."

It's gonna be tough to come up with new stuff weekly, but I need to do it. Quite frankly, the world needs me to do it. I should mention that if you miss a week or two, fear not. Most of my comics are fairly short, with a cast of thousands! You'll meet the Plant King, The Sonic Railings, Larry Laperoder: Bullshit Extraordinaire, Gorilla & Monster, and some Vaudeville thrown in for good measure...

With the whole set-up of what this blog is supposed to be out of the way, I'm gonna start by posting a bunch of my old stuff. Some of which has been read by many, some not. So, with that, I'll post my first comic!

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